Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Generating Decorative Terrain Features

Rock outcrops in various sizes, shapes, and rock types
I'm working in a little test world -- featureless, nearly-flat terrain -- to add bits of interest to the terrain generators. Not sure what got me on this kick but I started working on it over the weekend and I've added a few so far. The first that I added was rock outcrops, and so that's what I'm calling stuff like this: Outcrops.

I'm currently working on adding a type of rock "outcrop" that's actually very low to the ground, sorta kinda like replacing a small patch of terrain with rock, but also adding a little bit of height to the thing.

I'm thinking of where I go next with the terrain generators, and really the process got me thinking about how I want the world to look. What I want to strive for. For one, I really need to put the mountains and forests back! But after adding a few more outcrops, that's what I'm planning on doing; getting the whole thing going again. Generating screenshots of whole worlds again, rather than this little test area.

It's starting to feel empty without a skybox, actually. That's probably the first thing back.

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